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Results 2020 |
Date |
Race |
Raceplace |
Raceform |
Distance |
Time |
Place |
16/7-20 | Skibbarg run | Skeberg | Crosscountry running | 10 K | 39.29 min | 1:st |
Results 2019 |
Date |
Race |
Raceplace |
Raceform |
Distance |
Time |
Place |
25-28/8-19 | Wulong Mountain Quest | China | Multisport | 4 day stages | dropped out after 3 stages due to injury in our team | - |
17/8-19 | Ironman Kalmar | Kalmar | Triathlon | swim 3860m, bike 180K, run 42K | 8.36.59 H | 1:st M40-44, 1:st of all age-groups |
11/8-19 | Ornäs triathlon | Ornäs | Triathlon | swim 400m, bike 20K, run 5K | 56.24 min | 1:st |
7/8-19 | Stennäset Triathlon | Falun | Triathlon | swim 400m, bike 10K, run 3K | 31.04 min | 1:st |
3/8-19 | Mora Triathlon | Mora | Triathlon | swim 750m, bike 21K, run 6K | 1.09.07 H | 2:nd |
17-19/6-19 | Wengan Mountain Quest | China | Multisport | 3 day stages | ? | 4:th |
9/6-19 | Swedish Champs | Uppsala | Triathlon | swim 1500m, bike 40K, run 10K | 2.00.37 H | 1:st M40-44 |
1/1-19 | Läderloppet | Tärnsjö | Multisport | mtb 15K, paddling 3K, run 12K | 2.00.37 H | 1:a M40 |
27/5-19 | Blodomloppet | Borlänge | Running | 10 K | 34.37 min | 13:th |
Results 2018 |
Date |
Race |
Raceplace |
Raceform |
Distance |
Time |
Place |
25/8-18 | Sala Silverman | Sala | Triathlon | swim 1930m, bike 90K, run 21K | 4.08.33 H | 1:st M40-44, 3:rd overall |
18/8-18 | Ironman Kalmar | Kalmar | Triathlon | swim 3860m, bike 180K, run 42K | 8.55.47 H | 1:st M40-44 |
12/8-18 | Ornäs triathlon | Ornäs | Triathlon | swim 400m, bike 20K, run 5K | 56.16 min | 1:st |
3/8-18 | Mora Triathlon | Mora | Triathlon | swim 750m, bike 21K, run 6K | 1.07.28 H | 1:st |
1/7-18 | Vansbro 10K | Vansbro | Swimming | 10 K | 2.34.09 H | 9:th |
16/6-18 | SM Triathlon |
Gävle | Triathlon | swim 1500m, bike 40K, run 10K | ? | 1:st M40-44 |
Results 2017 |
Date |
Race |
Raceplace |
Raceform |
Distance |
Time |
Place |
5/9-17 |
Adventure racing | China | Adventure racing | 228K swim, bike, paddel, running | 20 H | 4:th |
25/8-17 |
Sala Silverman | Sala | Triathlon | swim 1930m, bike 90K, run 21K | 4.08.33 H | 3:rd overall |
26/7-17 | Stennäset Triathlon | Falun | Triathlon | swim 300m, bike 10K, run 3K | 30.18 min | 1:st |
6/7-17 |
Vansbro 10K | Vansbro | Swimming | 10K | 2.46.16 H | 9:th |
5/7-17 | Vansbro swimrun | Vansbro | Swimrun | far | 2.02.28 H | 1:st |
9-13/6-17 | Europian Champs | Russia | Adventure racing | far | 2.5 days | 3:rd |
7/6-17 | Blodomloppet | Borlänge | Running | 10 K | 34.25 min | 11:th |
1/6-17 | Dalacupen | Falun | Triathlon | swim 300m, bike 14K, run 3K | ? | ? |
16/5-17 | Rättviksloppet | Rättvik | Running | 10 K | 35.13 min | 5:th |
5/3-17 | Vasaloppet | Sälen-Mora | Skiing | 90 K | 5.56.44 H | 2681 |
Results 2016 |
Date |
Race |
Raceplace |
Raceform |
Distance |
Time |
Place |
10-13/11-16 | World Champs in Adventure racing | Australia | Adventure racing | 4 days | dropped out after 2.5 days because of injury in team | - |
5-8/9-16 | Wulong Mountain Quest (World Champs in Adventure stage racing) | China | Adventure racing | far | about 20 H | 1:st |
6/8-16 | Mora Triathlon | Mora | Triathlon | swim 1500m, bike 40K, run 10K | 2.08.38 H | 1:st |
20-23/7-16 | European Champs | Spain | Adventure racing | far | 74.20 H | Gold |
6/7-16 | Vansbro Swimrun | Vansbro | Swimrun | far | 2.05.50 H | 1:st |
28/6-16 | Stennäset Triathlon | Falun | Triathlon | swim 300m, bike 10K, run 3K | 31.08 min | 2:nd |
6/6-16 | Race for Heroes | Karlsborg | Adventure racing | Kajak 14K, mtb 43K, run 19K | 4.09 H | 2:nd |
1/6-16 | Dalacupen | Falun | Triathlon | swim 300m, bike 14K, run 3K | 40.20 min | 5:th |
30/5-16 | Blodomloppet | Borlänge | Running | 10 K | 34.40 min | 5:th |
6-7/5-16 | West Cost Adventure race | Lysekil | Adventure racing | far | 20.36 H | 2:nd |
18-21/4-16 | Baise Outdoor Quest | China | Adventure racing | far | 21.50 H | 2:nd |
Results 2015 |
Date |
Race |
Raceplace |
Raceform |
Distance |
Time |
Place |
25-27/9-15 | LeGrand Tour | Branäs | Adventure racing | far | 25.26 H | 2:nd |
19-22/9-15 | Wulong Mountain Quest | China | Adventure racing | far | 20.22 H | 9:th |
22/8-15 | Sala Silverman | Sala | Traithlon | swim 1930m, bike 90K, run 21.2K | 4.06.38 H | 2:nd |
15/8-15 | Kalmar mini tri | Kalmar | Traithlon | swim 520m, bike 18K, run 4.2K | 52.03 min | 10:th |
9/8-15 | Ornäs Triathlon | Ornäs | Traithlon | swim 500m, bike 20K, run 5K | 55.16 min | 1:st |
8/8-15 | Mora Triathlon | Mora | Triathlon | swim 750m, bike 21K, run 6.2K | 1.06.38 H | 2:nd |
2/8-15 | Notgårdsloppet | Ludvika | Triathlon | swim 350m, bike 11K, run 2.1K | 28.13 min | 1:st |
25/7-15 | SM medelsidtans | Jönköping | Triathlon | swim 1930m, bike 90K, run 21.2K | 4.11.25 H | 6:th |
21/7-15 | Stennäset Triathlon | Falun | Triathlon | swim 300m, bike 10K, run 3K | 30.24 min | 1:st |
11/7-15 | Xterra Sweden | Stockholm | Offroad Triathlon | swim 1500m, mtb 30K, run 10K | 2.52.28 H | 12:th |
1/7-15 | Vansbro swimrun | Vansbro | Swimrun | far | 2.12.08 H | 1:st |
6/6-15 | Race for Heroes | Karlsborg | Adventure racing | paddling 14K, mtb 42K, run 17K | 4.03.35 H | 6:th |
30/5-15 | Stora stöten swimrun | Falun | Swimrun | far | dropped out | dropped out |
25/5-15 | Blodomloppet | Borlänge | Running | 10K | 34.52 min | 7:th |
15-16/5-15 | Swedish Champs | Marstrand | Adventure racing | FAR | 23:45 hours | 1:st |
Results 2014 |
Date |
Race |
Raceplace |
Raceform |
Distance |
Time |
Place |
30/8-14 | Sala Silverman | Sala | Triathlon | swim 1930m, bike 90K, run 21.2K | 4.05.13 hours | 2:nd |
21/8-14 | Notgårdsloppet | Ludvika | Triathlon | swim 350m, bike 11K, run 2.2K | 28.25 min | 1:st |
17/8-14 | Sifferbo Trippeln | Sifferbo | Triathlon | swim 360m, bike 12.9K, run 4.4K | 41.30 min | 1:st |
9/8-14 | Mora Triathlon | Mora | Triathlon | swim 750m, bike 21K, run 6K | 1.08.35 hours | 1:st |
1/8-14 | Tällberg Triathlon | Tällberg | Triathlon | swim 750m, bike 20K, run 5K | 1.02.01 hours | 4:th |
25/7-14 | Stennäset Triathlon | Falun | Triathlon | swim 300m, bike 10K, run 3K | 30.12 min | 1:st |
24/7-14 | Dalacupen Triathlon | Mora | Triathlon | swim 300m, bike 20K, run 4.5K | 55.06 min | 1:st |
9/7-14 | Dalacupen Triathlon | Falun | Triathlon | swim 300m, bike 10K, run 4K | 39.58 min | 1:st |
18/6-14 | Dalacupen Triathlon | Borlänge | Triathlon | swim 300m, bike 11.2K, run 3K | 33.14 min | 2:nd |
Results 2013 |
Date |
Race |
Raceplace |
Raceform | Distance |
Time |
Place |
3/11-13 | Nordic Extreme Running | Gotland | Cross-country running | 10 K | 40.18 min | 1:st |
13/10-13 |
Långa terräng DM |
Falun |
Cross-country running | 8 K |
27.58 min |
1:st |
22/9-13 |
Dalamilen |
Falun |
Running |
10 K |
33.35 min |
1:st |
15/9-13 |
Träflasklöpet |
Sundborn |
Cross-country running |
18 K |
1.04.04 hours |
4:th |
7/9-13 |
Sportringern triathlon |
Leksand |
Triathlon |
swim 200m, bike 10K, run 2.5K |
29.35 min |
1:st |
24/8-13 |
Sala Silverman |
Sala |
Triathlon |
swim 1930m, bike 87K, run 21.2K |
3.58.00 hours |
2:nd |
14/8-13 |
Kalmar mini triathlon |
Kalmar |
Triathlon |
swim 520m, bike 18K, run 4.2K |
50.59 min |
5:th |
2/8-13 |
Tällberg triathlon |
Tällberg |
Triathlon |
swim 750m, bike 20K, run 5K |
1.03.49 hours |
3:rd |
27/7-13 |
DM 10 000m |
Leksand |
Track running |
10 000m |
33.45.12 min |
1:st |
13/7-13 |
Gagnef triathlon |
Gagnef |
Triathlon |
swim 600m, bike 20K, run 5K |
56.44 min |
1:st |
26/5-13 |
Djurmolunken |
Djurmo |
Cross-country running |
9 K |
32.30 min |
3:rd |
20/5-13 |
Blodomloppet |
Borlänge |
Cityrace |
10.3 K |
36.36 min |
9:th |
Results 2012 |
Date |
Race |
Raceplace |
Raceform |
Distance |
Time |
Place |
2/10-12 |
Hackmora Bergslopp |
Hackmora |
Mountain run |
2.9 K |
12.50 min |
4:th |
27/8-12 |
Sundborn triathlon |
Sundborn |
Triathlon |
swim 300m, bike 7K, run 2.4K |
24.10 min |
1:st |
28/7-12 |
Stennäset triathlon |
Falun |
Triathlon |
swim 300m, bike 10K, run 3K |
31.43 min |
1:st |
24/5-12 |
Stennäset triathlon |
Falun |
Triathlon |
swim 150m, bike 10K, run 3K |
30.13 min |
2:nd |
Results 2011 |
Date |
Race |
Raceplace |
Raceform |
Distance |
Time | Place |
12/8-11 |
Sifferbo Trippeln |
Sifferbo |
Triathlon |
swim 360m, bike 12.9K, run 4.4K |
43.14 min |
1:st |
Results 2010 |
Date |
Race |
Raceplace |
Raceform |
Distance |
Time |
Place |
6/6-10 |
Djurmolunken |
Djurmo |
Cross-country running |
9 K |
31.53 min |
2:nd |
24/5-10 |
SVEAloppet |
Borlänge |
Cross-country running |
4.6 K |
14.24 min |
1:st |
22/5-10 |
Engelbrektsrundan |
Norberg |
Road bike |
110K |
2.43 hours |
first bunch |
19/5-10 |
Dalacupen |
Falun |
Triathlon |
swim 300m, bike 10K, run 2.7K |
30.57 min |
2:nd |
13/5-10 |
Vaveröloppet |
Olsnäs |
Cross-country running |
12 K |
42.36 min |
1:st |
5/5-10 |
Korta terräng DM |
Borlänge |
Cross-country running |
4 K |
13.28 min |
3:rd |
2/5-10 |
Spring i benen |
Borlänge |
Cross-country running |
10 K |
33.21 min |
1:st |
7/3-10 |
Vasaloppet |
Sälen-Mora |
cross country skiing |
90 K |
4.53.49 hours |
382:nd |
Results 2009 |
Date |
Race |
Raceplace |
Raceform |
Distance |
Time |
Place |
5/9-09 |
SM Duathlon |
Knivsta |
Duathlon |
run 10K, bike 40K, run 5K |
1.59.17 hours |
3:rd |
29/8-09 |
Finnmarksturen |
Ludvika |
Mountainbike |
112 K |
4.34.36 hours |
8:a (H30) |
26/8-09 |
Älvloppet |
Borlänge |
Cross-country running |
4.6 K |
14.34 min |
1:st |
22/8-09 |
Vasastafetten |
Sälen-Mora |
Cross-country running |
15.4 K |
53.26 min |
5:th |
16/8-09 |
Cykelvasan |
Sälen-Mora |
Mountainbike |
90 K |
3.13.13 hours |
41:st |
13/8-09 |
Notgårdsloppet |
Ludvika |
Triathlon |
swim 350m, bike 11K, run 2.1K |
28.04 min |
1:st |
11/8-09 |
Gustafsstafetten |
Gustafs |
Running |
34.3 K |
48.50 min |
4:th |
5/8-09 |
Topploppet |
Funäsdalen |
Running |
3 K, 300 altitude meter |
14.55 min |
3:rd |
1/8-09 |
Kalmar triathlon |
Kalmar |
Ironman |
swim 3860m, bike 180K, run 42K |
8.26.22 hours New courserecord |
1:st SM Gold |
15/7-09 |
Hosjö triathlon |
Falun |
Triathlon |
swim 300m, bike 14K, run 4K |
38.27 min |
2:nd |
28/6-09 |
Svenska cupen |
Säter |
Triathlon |
swim 1500m, bike 40K, run 10K |
2.16.06 hours |
10:th |
25/6-09 |
DM 5000 m |
Leksand |
Track running |
5000 m |
15.57 min |
1:st |
19/6-09 |
Orsa Kajt´n |
Orsa |
Cross-country running |
14.8 K |
50.54 min |
4:th |
9/6-09 |
DM mountainbike |
Borlänge |
Mountainbike |
18.9 K |
54 min |
2:nd |
7/6-09 |
Lida Loop |
Stockholm |
Mountainbike |
65 K |
2.33.15 tim |
5:th (H30) |
6/6-09 |
Mockfjärdslöpet |
Mockfjärd |
Running |
4.53 K |
14.40 min |
1:st |
2/6-09 |
Blodomloppet |
Borlänge |
Running |
10.2 K |
33.31 min |
2:nd |
9/5-09 |
Spring i benen |
Borlänge |
Cross-country running |
10 K |
32.48 min |
1:st |
5/5-09 |
Korta terräng DM |
Falun |
Cross-country running |
4 K |
12.06 min |
5:th |
26-28/4-09 |
Baise Outdoor Quest |
Kina |
Multisport |
206 K |
17.51.15 hours |
2:nd |
1/3-09 |
Vasaloppet |
Sälen-Mora |
cross country skiing |
90 K |
4.39.45 hours |
160:th |
15/2-09 |
Skinnarloppet |
Malung |
cross country skiing |
45 K |
2.13.58 hours |
38:th |
Results 2008 |
Date |
Race |
Raceplace |
Raceform |
Distance |
Time |
Place |
26/9-08 |
Lidingöstafetten |
Lidingö |
Running |
Total 12K |
40.24 min |
2:nd |
21/9-08 |
SM Duathlon |
Malmö |
Duathlon |
run 10km, bike 40K, run 5K |
1.48.33 hours |
1:st |
27/8-08 |
Älven runt |
Borlänge |
Cross-country running |
4.6 K |
14.27 min |
2:nd |
23/8-08 |
Sifferbo triathlon |
Sifferbo |
Triathlon |
swim 360m, bike 12.7K, run 4.4K |
41.05 min |
1:st |
21/8-08 |
Notgårdsloppet |
Ludvika |
Triathlon |
swim 350m, bike 11K, run 2.1K |
28.06 min |
1:st |
16/8-08 |
Solberg dubbelt upp |
Solberga |
Biking & Running |
bike 40K, run 9K |
1.38.21 hours |
1:st |
9/8-08 |
Vasastafetten |
Sälen-Mora |
Running |
14.4K |
51.06 min |
3:rd |
30/7-08 |
Hilltop race |
Funäsdalen |
Running |
2.5K, 300 altitude meter |
ca 13.55 min |
4:th |
16/7-08 |
Hosjö triathlon |
Falun |
Triathlon |
sim 350m, cykel 14K, löp 4K |
39.12 min |
2:nd |
Results 2007 |
Date |
Race |
Raceplace |
Raceform |
Distance |
Time |
Place |
18/8-07 |
Sifferbo triathlon |
Leksand |
Triathlon |
swim 360m, bike 12.7K, run 4.4K |
42.59 min |
1:st |
Results 2006 |
Date |
Race |
Raceplace |
Raceform |
Distance |
Time |
Place |
16/9-06 |
Limsjön Runt |
Leksand |
Terränglöpning |
6.8 K |
21.55 min |
1:st |
20/8-06 |
England |
Triathlon |
swim 3800m, bike 180K, run 42.2K |
8.40.34 tim |
2:nd |
6/8-06 |
Vikingman ½ IM |
Danmark |
Triathlon |
swim 1900m, bike 90K, run 21.1K |
4.01.28 hours |
4:th |
2/7-06 |
Quelle Challenge Roth |
Tyskland |
Triathlon IM |
swim 3800m, bike 180K, run 42.2K |
8.15.59 hours New Swedish record |
4:th |
18/8-06 |
UK ½ IM |
England |
Triathlon |
swim 1900m, bike 90K, run 21.1K |
4.30.23 hours |
5:th |
4/6-06 |
Escape from Alcatraz |
San Fransisco, USA |
Triathlon |
swim 2300m, bike 25K, run 13K |
2.18.23 hours |
27:th |
21/5-06 |
Auburn International ½ IM |
Auburn |
½ IM |
swim 1900m, bike 90K, run 21.1K |
4.36 hours |
1:st |
14/5-06 |
SM |
Stockholm |
Duathlon |
run 10km, bike 40K, run 5K |
1.46.36 hours |
1:st |
6/5-06 |
Spring i benen |
Borlänge |
Cross-country running |
10 K |
33.17 min |
1:st |
2/5-06 |
Terräng DM |
Borlänge |
Terränglöpning |
4 K |
13.22 min |
2:nd |
22/4-06 |
DM |
Säter |
½ Marathon |
21.1 K |
1.12.27 hours |
2:nd |
18/3-06 |
Ralphs ½ Ironman |
Oceanside, USA |
½ Ironman |
swim 1900m, bike 90K, run 21.1K |
4.20.38 hours |
20:th |
28/1-06 |
Auckland ½ IM |
Auckland, NZ |
Ironman |
swim 2000m, bike 90K, run 21.1K |
4.18.44 hours |
4:th |